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مشاريع تخرج هندسة الاتصالات 2015-2016

من المشاكل التي يوجهها كل طالب في مشروع التخرج هو اختيار المشروع حيث يقوم البعض من اختيار مشروع معين و بعد فترة من البحث و التخطيط يتضح للطلاب ان المشروع كبير جدا و ذلك لسوء استغلال الوقت أو ان امكانيات التنفيذ غير متوفرة أو ان يتضح للطلاب ان المشروع فاشل و هذا بسبب قلة المعرفه و عدم استشارة الاخرين.
من هذا المنطلق قررت جمع عدد كبير من عناوين مشاريع التخرج لهندسة الاتصالات حتى يستفيذ الطالب منها , و المشاريع هي كالتالي:

  1. Remote Control of a Lego Mindstorms Robot Over the Internet
  2. Heat Control system
  3. Active Noise Cancellation System
  4. Mobile Robot Navigation with Human Interface Device
  5. Automatic Camera Tracking of a Speaker 
  6. Decoding EEG for Prosthetics and Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI)
  7. Home Security Using Infrared and Ultrasound sensors
  8. Eye Tracker to Help ALS Patients with Writing
  9. Mobile Robot Equipped with Ultrasonic Transducer Array
  10. Wireless Temperature Monitoring on Remote Seven-segment Display using RF
  11. ZigBee based Secured Wireless Data transmission and Reception
  12. Bluetooth based Robot Control for Metal Detection Applications
  13. Wireless DC Motor Speed and Direction Control using RF Communication
  14. Congestion Control In ATM Networks Using ASIC in VLSI
  16. Design and Simulation of OFDMA System
  17. Implementation of LTE on FPGA using VHDL
  18. Implementation of WiMAX on FPGA using VHDL
  19. Advanced Data Encryption using FPGA
  20. Gps tracking system
  21. Biometric
  22. Under Water Wireless Communications
  23. Image and data compression using DCT and MELLIN transforms
  24. Microcontroller Based blood pressure monitoring system
  25. Microcontroller based human body temperature monitoring system
  26. Microcontroller Based Patient care Monitoring and Information system
  27. A portable intelligent ECG monitor based on wireless internet and embedded system technology
  28. Designing wireless interfaces for patient monitoring equipment
  29. Microcontroller based wireless recorder for biomedical signals
  30. SMS based patient monitoring system
  31. Wireless communication based tire pressure monitoring system
  32. Microcontroller Based SMS controlled moving robot
  33. Wireless audio communication through laser beam
  34. An intelligent mobile robot navigation technique using RFID Technology
  35. GPS based blind people path announcement system
  36. Remote controlled air craft 
  37. Digital Watermarking for Image Authentication
  38. Automatic Solar Traffic and Street Light Controller
  39. Cell Phone Controlled Video Analyzing Robot
  40. Solar automatic cell phone charger with pay system
  41. Wifi networking based Industrial automation
  42. Advanced vehicle tracking and automatic crash notification using GPS and GSM technology with Location Name as SMS
  43. SMS controlled pick and place robot with video camera
  44. Smartphone blutooth controlled Robot
  45. GPS+GSM based Realtime Bus/Train Location Finder and display on Earth's Map
  46. Touchscreen based Ordering System for Restaurants
  47. Design and Simulation of OFDMA System
  48. Implementation of LTE on FPGA using VHDL
  49. Implementation of WiMAX on FPGA using VHDL
  50. Automatic Solar Traffic and Street Light Controller
  51. GPS+GSM based Real-time Bus/Train Location Finder and display on Earth's Map
  52. Mobile Robot Equipped with Ultrasonic Transducer Array
  53. Optimized Pixel Throughput in Image Using Neural Network in LTE System
  54. Wireless enabled valve opening and closing system that works only at specific locations on earth (Using GPS)
  55. Autonomous Mobile Platform II with artificial intelligence using digital compass and GPS
  56. GPS and RF based indoor and outdoor navigation system
  57. Smart Card and GPS based automatic bus ticketing system for traveled distance
  58. MicroController and voice based alerting system for blind people with GPS enabled location identification
  59. Live Human being detection wireless remote controlled Robot
  60. Microcontroller Based blood pressure monitoring system
  61. Microcontroller based Automatic Railway Gate Control System
  62. Eye Tracker to Help ALS Patients with Writing
  63. Optimized Power Control for CDMA System using Channel Prediction
  64. Home Automation Using Android 
  65. Mobile's sms and mms encryption and decryption
  66. Broadband Small Signal Microwave Amplifier Design
  67. Optical communication interface for induction motor instrumentation.
  68. Electronic Voting Machine
  69. Advanced Wireless Power Transfer System
  70. 3d Space Wireless Power Transferring Project
  71. Patient Health Check Using Wireless Health Monitor
  72. Wireless Surveillance Robot Controlled by PC
  73. Wireless Red Signal Alerting For Trains
  74. Wireless PC Communication System
  75. Car Overspeeding Detection Project
  76. Supervisory Controlling Plus Data Acquisition For Remote Industry
  77. Automating Homes Using RF
  78. Motion Based Message Conveyer For Paralytic/Disabled People
  79. DC Motor Speed Control By Android
  80. RF Based Secure Door Opener System
  81. Load Control System Using DTMF
  82. DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener
  83. Remote Vehicle Control Through Cell Phone
  84. Dialled Telephone Number Display On 7 Segment
  85. Digitally Controlled Home Automation Project
  86. Android Controlled Notice Board Project
  87. Home Appliance Control Using Android Application Project
  88. GPS + GSM Based Advanced Vehicle Tracking System Project
  89. Accident Identification and alerting project
  90. GSM based Industry Protection System
  91. Gsm Based Weather Reporting (Temperature/Light/Humidity)
  92. GSM Stepper Motor Speed & Direction Controller
  93. CNG/LPG Gas Accident Prevention With Gsm Alert
  94. Gsm Based Door Unlocker system
  95. SMS Controlled Railway Level Gate Control With Programmable Numbers
  96. Robotic Vehicle With Metal Detection Project
  97. TV Remote Controlled Robotic Vehicle Project
  98. Robot Controlled By Android Application
  99. Prepaid Electricity Billing Meter
  100. Digitally Controlled Home Automation Project
  101.  Power Meter billing Plus Load Control Using GSM
  102. Energy Management System With Programmable Numbers using GSM
  103. Home Security using Gsm
  104. GSM based Industry Protection System
  105. GSM Stepper Motor Speed & Direction Controller
  106. CNG/LPG Gas Accident Prevention With Gsm Alert
  107. Gsm Based Door Unlocker system
  108. SMS Voting System Project
  109. Monthly Electricity Billing Display With Bill SMS Feature
  110. SMS Controlled Railway Level Gate Control With Programmable Numbers
  111. Automatic Unauthorized Parking Detector With SMS Notification To Owner
  112. Fire Plus Hazardous Gas Detection And Instant SMS Alerting System
  113. Vehicle Theft Detection/Notification With Remote Engine Locking
  114.  GPS + GSM Based Advanced Vehicle Tracking System Project
  115. Accident Identification and alerting project
  116. 3 Phase Induction Motor With Soft Start
  117. Wireless Mobile Charging Project
  118. Power Supply With Auto Switching
  119. Switching Load By Touch
  120. Emergency Auto Led Light
  121. 3 Way Failure Analyzer Reset On Temporary Fault else Permanent trip
  122. Over Voltage Under Voltage Load Protection
  123. Protecting Induction Motor From Phase & Temperature
  124. Generating DC High Voltage Using Marx Generator
  125. Advanced Wireless Power Transfer System
  126. Single Phase Induction Motor With Smooth Start
  127. Checking Phase Sequence of 3 Phase Supply
  128. 6 Volt DC to 10 Volt DC Converter
  129. Ac to High Voltage DC Using Voltage Multiplier Circuit
  130. Microcontroller less Four Quadrant DC Motor Control
  131. Smart Wireless Battery Charging With Charge Monitor Project
  132. Accurate Room Temperature Controller Project
  133. Industry Process Automation Using Programmable Switching
  134. Testing Life Cycle Of Electrical Loads Using Down Counter
  135. AC Power Strength Controller System
  136. System To Measure Solar Power
  137. Controlling Solar Energy Charge
  138. Single Phase Induction Motor With Smooth Start
  139. Configurable Password Security System
  140. Supervisory Controlling Plus Data Acquisition For Remote Industry
  141. Load Control System Using DTMF
  142. RPM Display For BLDC Motor With Speed Controller
  143. Multi-Power Supply Using 4 Different Sources For No Break Power Supply
  144. Cycle Switching Without Harmonics For Industrial Power Control
  145. AC Power Controller With Programmable Interface
  146. Load Shedding Time Management With Programmable Interface
  147. Lamp Illumination Control With Precision
  148. Digitally Controlled Home Automation Project
  149. Flexible Ac Transmitter System Using TSR
  150. Device Load Monitor With Programmable Meter For Energy Audit
  151. Power Meter billing Plus Load Control Using GSM
  152. Monthly Electricity Billing Display With Bill SMS Feature
  153. Industry Power Consumption Penalty Minimization Using AFPC Unit Project
  154. Commercial Power Saver Project
  155. Ultrasonic Radar Project
  156. Accurate Room Temperature Controller Project
  157. Automatic Light Intensity Controller By External Light Sensing
  158. Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights With External Light Sensing
  159. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Project
  160. PC Based Home Automation
  161. Human Speed Detection Project
  162. Smart Wireless Battery Charging With Charge Monitor Project
  163. Hovercraft Controlled By Android
  164. Fully Automated Solar Grass Cutter
  165. Machine Overheat Detection With Alert
  166. Home And Industrial Safety Using Fire And Gas Detection System
  167. GSM based Industry Protection System
  168. Automated Visitor Counter With 7 Segment Display
  169. Vehicle Theft Detection/Notification With Remote Engine Locking
  170. Android Controlled Automobile
  171. Home Automation Using Android
  172. Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle
  173. Automated Elevator With Overload Alert
  174. Accurate Room Temperature Controller Project
  175. Gsm Based Weather Reporting (Temperature/Light/Humidity)
  176. Voice Based Notice Board Using Android
  177. Wireless Mobile Charging Project
  178. DC Motor Speed Control By Android
  179. Android Password Based Remote Door Opener System Project
  180. Industry Process Automation Using Programmable Switching
  181. Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override
  182. GSM Based Home Automation
  183. Electronic Notice Board Controlled By Gsm
  184. Automated Water Pump with Dry Run Intimation using Gsm
  185. Controlling Pc By TV Remote as Mouse
  186. Configurable Medication Reminding Syst
  187. Electrical Load Controlled By PC
  188. Displaying Moving Message On Notice Board Using PC
  189. Efficient Power Manager Project
  190. Testing Life Cycle Of Electrical Loads Using Down Counter
  191. IR Based Obstacle Detection For Load Switching Project
  192. IR Based Traffic Density Detection And Signal Adjustment
  193. AC Power Strength Controller System
  194. Traffic Signals With Synchronization System
  195. Solar Panel With Sun Position Tracking
  196. Multi Motors With Synchronized Speed
  197. Irrigation System running on Solar Power
  198. System To Measure Solar Power
  199. Controlling Solar Energy Charge
  200. Single Phase Induction Motor With Smooth Start
  201. Configurable Password Security System

في الختام اتمنى ان تكون المشاريع قد نالت اعجابكم و لا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم.
مشاريع تخرج هندسة الاتصالات 2015-2016 Reviewed by Unknown on 1:29:00 م Rating: 5

هناك 11 تعليقًا:

  1. ياريت تساعدوني بأختيار مشروع تخرج يضم بين هندسة الاتصالات وهندسه الحاسوب للضرورة القصوى :(

    1. Educational package for Pentium simulation

      Free chatting mobile
      Design of Adaptive-Neuro-Fuzzy-l nference
      System (ANFIS) Like controller for position
      contiol of an AC motor
      Software system control of the lnternet

      Design and implementation a program for
      Learning subject by using Visual Basic

      Design of Adaptive-sliding-Fuzzy controller
      for the Direction control system of an
      Under-Water Vehicle

      Aircraft reservation system

      College Management

      Design and implementation of a laser
      Sensor-based Automatic Door System using
      PIC-Micro controller\ softwa re

      Design and implementation system for
      differential equation

  2. اشكر الإدارة على العمل الرائع المقدمنها للطالب العربي المعلومات كما ونوعا مشاءالله،،،،،،،،،، بسال اني محتاج لي مشروع ماستر هندسة اتصالات يكون قوي بس م بتطلب جهد غرامي،،، وشكرا

  3. اغتنم الفرصة معادلة كلية هندسة
    وحقق رغبتك فى الالتحاق بكلية الهندسة يتميز مركز النور بافضل الاساتذة والمهندسين ليتمكن الطلاب من اجتياز الاختبارات بكل سهولة

  4. احصل على كتب معادلة كلية الهندسة
    و كل الملازم التى تخص معادلة كلية الهندسة من مركز النور افضل مركز يقدم معادلة كلية الهندسة معاه هتحصل على افضل شرح فى معادلة كلية الهندسة
    اتصل بنا على :01093189974

  5. سلام عليكم المواضيع جميلة جدا بس ممكن لو تحصرلي بعض المتخصص في الاشارات (traitement de signal)
    في انتظار ردكم

  6. السلام عليكم اخوي وتفيذني في مشروع حقي ، اكون شاكر لك


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